
Bug Detectors

Handheld RF Spectrum Analyser


Features: - Frequency Range 1 MHz to 13.44 GHz - Sweep time of just 0.5 seconds (Full Range) - Spectrogram Waterfall Function for detected signal analysis - Tune & Listen demodulation function - AM/WFM/NFM - Data Logging to USB Stick with Time...

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iProtect Multi-Channel Wireless Detector


As technology advances, so do the tools and methods of those who wish to invade our privacy. That's where the iProtect Multi-Channel Wireless Detector comes in. This innovative device is the ultimate defense against electronic eavesdropping and...

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Rapid Deployment Eavesdropping Kit


The Ultimate kit for eavesdropping, J1000 helps prevent someone from recording conversations, the DD804 is a muti-use RF detection device and the Spyfinder pro will help find camera lenses even when not transmitting.  J1000 White noise...

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deScammer Credit Card Skimmer Detector

$129.00 $79.50

30% of businesses leave your credit card open to hackers. Every day thousands of people experience credit card fraud. The deScammer is an easy-to-use device that can detect the most common credit card skimmers used by today's fraudsters. No bigger than...

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What Are Spy Bugs That Could be Spying On You?

We live in troublingly invasive times. Vigilant surveillance over one's own space to ensure safety and privacy is one thing. When even governments, let alone unscrupulous private citizens, would feel entirely justified quietly documenting private actions and conversations without their target's foreknowledge, there are few effective counter-measures that can't justify their prices.

The fact is, from police-grade telephone taps to inconspicuous audio, video and GPS tracking devices, bugs, sophisticated covert surveillance technology has never been more accessible or inexpensive to the general public. The aftermath of undetected surveillance has significantly damaged countless companies and individuals. Draw your line in the sand with a personal Bug Finder and take charge of your own personal security.

What are Bug and RF Signal Detectors? How does a Bug Detector work?

A small, portable Bug Finder can locate and often disable discreet microphones, cameras, cell phones and GPS trackers by keying to their electromagnetic signals or cellular activity using a small, portable and versatile radio receiver. Strong frequencies trigger an alarm on the Bug Detector when intercepted and alerts the user to nearby hidden objects. As long as you turn off all surrounding electronic products so as not to confuse the tuned frequency range, a slow walk around a room with a quality detector should point out the location(s) of any unwanted transmitting devices wherever they may be hidden.

RF Signal Detectors can home in on bugs as small as a penny using low radio frequency ranges between 1-3 MHz, comparable to a garage door opener. That may seem insignificant, but that frequency can capture any voice in a room as clearly as a phone tap or "wire" and leak damning personal and professional information.

Video camera bugs that could be transmitting wireless video are slightly more powerful but every bit as dangerous. These image surveillance devices run into the 5-10 MHz frequency range. Via those frequencies, they can transmit both real-time footage and still images. However, they are easily detectable with a careful sweep using these camera bug detectors.

Meanwhile, GPS trackers operate within the highest RF ranges. They use cellular to transmit the location data when hidden in something such as a box, a vehicle or even in your ceiling. It's a necessity for maintaining communication with satellites that detail movements. As a result, GPS Bug Detectors often key in to various frequencies at once for successful identification. Be advised, though valuable, other common electronic equipment from power lines to radio broadcasts can easily and often confuse a GPS detector because it may be difficult to pinpoint exactly where the GPS unit is transmitting from, however many detectors can tell you the signal strength, so the closer you are to the source, the more likely you are to find it.

Why Should You Do Your Own Bug Detection Sweep?

Don't waste unnecessary money on a private investigator or elite security firm. Sure, there are matters of personal and professional safety and privacy that no single untrained individual can tackle alone. There was a time when clandestine surveillance was nothing short of an arms race that came down to which side could afford the gear that trumped the other's. When you contact a private investigator, they will be using these exact same devices, but selling you a premium to use them and their time to come to your premises to scan your office or home for the listening devices and other bugs. For less than that, you can own the exact, same, easy-to-use DIY bug detectors to scan for hidden surveillance devices every day.

This is a different ballgame. As happens often in almost any sector, the hardware that only a government or unthinkably deep private coffer could once afford is now less costly than a reputable P.I.'s retainer, hourly fee and expenses. For a one-time upfront equipment purchase, you can accomplish for yourself in minutes what individuals and companies have paid professionals hundreds of thousands of dollars to carry out.

It isn't always wrong to take things into your own hands. Have peace of mind knowing your phones are not being tapped, your GPS location is not being compromised and hidden spy cameras are not watching you when you least suspect it